Waterhardness in 4632 Trimbach Solothurn, Schweiz

20 °dH
hardness range : hard

The water hardness in Trimbach (4632) is 20 °dH and is therefore hard in the hardness range. With hard water, there is a risk of lime forming in your household appliances and piping. You can lower the water hardness with a water softening system. This value is based on 2 values submitted by our users. The average water hardness in Solothurn is 13 °dH.


Country Schweiz
Region Solothurn
Zipcode 4632
Coordinates 7.89 / 47.37
Waterhardness in °dH 19.6
Waterhardness in mmol/l 3.5
Waterhardness in °fH 35
Waterhardness range hard

What is the water hardness in 4632 Trimbach Trimbach?

What is the water hardness in 4632 Trimbach Trimbach?
We have 2 Entries:
0 votes
3.5 mmol
(19.6 °dH)

3.5 mmol
(19.6 °dH)
Entry from at

Submitted Value: 3.5 mmol
(19.6 °dH)

Ergebnisse von komplexometrischer Titration sowie von Ionenchromatographie im Rahmen des Laborunterrichts an der ETH Zürich. Gemessen im April 2022.
0 out of 0 people voted for this value to be correct. 0
34 fh
(19.04 °dH)

34 fh
(19.04 °dH)
Entry from at

Submitted Value: 34 fh
(19.04 °dH)

Quelle: Stadtwerke
0 out of 0 people voted for this value to be correct. 0
submit a new value