About us
What is wasserhaerte.net?
wasserhaerte.net is a portal of users for users. That is, anyone can sign up and submit a value for any location. Of course, this statement should also be justified and, above all, correct. The more users submit an entry for a city, the more accurate the value becomes.
How can I submit a value?
There are only three steps to do this:
Search city or town (fastest via the search form)
Click on the button "send new value" and register (if no user account exists)
Write a short comment where the information came from and enter the value.
Are the values guaranteed to be correct?
No - All values are from our users and therefore we give no guarantee for the correctness! But since the entries are commented on, you can get an idea of how credible the entry is. In doubt, only one thing helps - measure yourself.