Waterhardness in 3281 Schachau Niederösterreich, Österreich

The waterhardness for this city is calculated. To be sure, you should measure the value yourself.
Waterhardness range Schachau: medium

(calculated) 12 °dH*
hardness range : medium

The water hardness in Oberndorf an der Melk - Schachau (3281) is approx. 12 °dH and is therefore medium in the hardness range. This value was calculated from the neighbour cities. The average water hardness in Niederösterreich is 16 °dH.


Country Österreich
Region Niederösterreich
Zipcode 3281
Coordinates 15.23 / 48.08
Waterhardness in °dH 11.82
Waterhardness in mmol/l 2.111
Waterhardness in °fH 21.107
Waterhardness range medium

What is the water hardness in 3281 Oberndorf an der Melk Schachau?

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