Degree of hardness in °dH

The unit °dH indicates how high the water hardness is. The higher this value, the more alkaline earth metals (esp. calcium and magnesium) are in the water. You can find more information about water hardness in our info area at: What does water hardness mean?
Water hardness unit conversion table
Unit conversion ° dH ppm ° fH mmol / l mval / l
German degrees 1 ° dH = 1 17.8 1.78 0.1783 0.357
ppm (American) 1 ppm = 0.056 1 0.1 0.01 0.02
French degrees 1 ° fH = 0.560 10 1 0.1 0.2
mmol/l 1 mmol/l = 5.6 100 40.08 1 2.0
meq/l 1 meq/l = 2.8 50 20.04 0.5 1

The transmitted values are entered by users, so we cannot guarantee that the values are correct. Water suppliers experience natural fluctuations, which can deviate by several degrees of hardness. If you have the feeling that the entered value is not correct, you are welcome to submit a value you have measured yourself (you can read about how this works here).

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