Waterhardness in 38259 Ohlendorf Niedersachsen, Deutschland
hardness range :
The water hardness in Salzgitter - Ohlendorf (38259) is approx. 8 °dH and is therefore soft in the hardness range.
With soft water, the likelihood of limescale formation is relatively low.
As a rule, you do not need a water softening system.
This value was calculated from the neighbour cities.
The average water hardness in Niedersachsen is 14 °dH.
Country | Deutschland |
Region | Niedersachsen |
Zipcode | 38259 |
Coordinates | 10.45 / 52.06 |
Waterhardness in °dH | 8.03 |
Waterhardness in mmol/l | 1.434 |
Waterhardness in °fH | 14.339 |
Waterhardness range | soft |
What is the water hardness in 38259 Salzgitter Ohlendorf?
What is the water hardness in 38259 Salzgitter Ohlendorf?
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