Waterhardness in 96271 Buscheller bei Lichtenfels, Bayern Bayern, Deutschland
hardness range :
The water hardness in Grub am Forst - Buscheller bei Lichtenfels, Bayern (96271) is approx. 19 °dH and is therefore hard in the hardness range.
With hard water, there is a risk of lime forming in your household appliances and piping.
You can lower the water hardness with a water softening system.
This value was calculated from the neighbour cities.
The average water hardness in Bayern is 18 °dH.
Country | Deutschland |
Region | Bayern |
Zipcode | 96271 |
Coordinates | 11.03 / 50.23 |
Waterhardness in °dH | 19.3 |
Waterhardness in mmol/l | 3.446 |
Waterhardness in °fH | 34.464 |
Waterhardness range | hard |
What is the water hardness in 96271 Grub am Forst Buscheller bei Lichtenfels, Bayern?
What is the water hardness in 96271 Grub am Forst Buscheller bei Lichtenfels, Bayern?
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