Waterhardness in 85737 Ismaning Bayern, Deutschland

7 °dH
hardness range : soft

The water hardness in Ismaning (85737) is 7 °dH and is therefore soft in the hardness range. With soft water, the likelihood of limescale formation is relatively low. As a rule, you do not need a water softening system. This value is based on 3 values submitted by our users. The average water hardness in Bayern is 18 °dH.


Country Deutschland
Region Bayern
Zipcode 85737
Coordinates 11.68 / 48.23
Waterhardness in °dH 7.3
Waterhardness in mmol/l 1.304
Waterhardness in °fH 13.036
Waterhardness range soft

What is the water hardness in 85737 Ismaning Ismaning?

What is the water hardness in 85737 Ismaning Ismaning?
We have 3 Entries:
8 votes

7.3 °dH Entry from at

Submitted Value: 7.3 °dH
Wert laut Gemeinde Ismaning. Weiches Wasser im Verhältnis zum Durchschnitt in Bayern , der bei 17 dH liegt.
4 out of 4 people voted for this value to be correct. 0

7.3 °dH Entry from at

Submitted Value: 7.3 °dH
Wert laut Gemeinde Ismaning. Weiches Wasser im Verhältnis zum Durchschnitt in Bayern , der bei 17 dH liegt.
4 out of 5 people voted for this value to be correct. -1

8.2 °dH Entry from at

Submitted Value: 8.2 °dH
Die Wasserhärte des Trinkwassers liegt bei 8,2 °dH und damit im Härtebereich „weich“. Das Trinkwasser enthält 30,5 mg/l Calcium, 0,8 mg/l Kalium und 17,1 mg/l Magnesium.
0 out of 0 people voted for this value to be correct. 0
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