Waterhardness in 97708 Steinach an der Saale Bayern, Deutschland

11 °dH
hardness range : medium

The water hardness in Bad Bocklet - Steinach an der Saale (97708) is 11 °dH and is therefore medium in the hardness range. This value is based on 1 values submitted by our users. The average water hardness in Bayern is 18 °dH.


Country Deutschland
Region Bayern
Zipcode 97708
Coordinates 10.1 / 50.28
Waterhardness in °dH 10.9
Waterhardness in mmol/l 1.946
Waterhardness in °fH 19.464
Waterhardness range medium

What is the water hardness in 97708 Bad Bocklet Steinach an der Saale?

What is the water hardness in 97708 Bad Bocklet Steinach an der Saale?
We have 1 Entry:
1 votes

10.9 °dH Entry from at

Submitted Value: 10.9 °dH
Den Wert habe ich einer Veröffentlichung der Gemeinde entnommen. 10,9 Gesamthärte laut einer Analyse von 2020 https://badbocklet.de/wp-content/uploads/trinkwasseranalyse-rmg-steinach-roth-2020.pdf
1 out of 1 people voted for this value to be correct. 0
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